Elizabeth Mullin


Elizabeth Mullin

Were you told that you couldn’t draw as a child? Or that you’re not an artist at all? Or you’ll never be as good as famous artist? When people hear statements such as these, they can stay with a person for a long time



I’m Elizabeth Mullin, a Certified Zentangle™ Teacher (CZT). I teach people the easy to learn drawing method called Zentangle ™

The 8 step Zentangle™ method is a fascinating way to create art as it combines structured patterns with free-flowing creativity while allowing people to feel a sense of calm and focus while drawing beautiful designs.

The drawings are easy to do and only need a pen, a pencil, and a piece of paper.
The motto is “No Mistakes” in Zentangle art so no need for erasers!

Please contact me for more information.


The Zentangle™ Method works because.

  • It is fun
  • It is simple to learn
  • Each stroke is easy to draw
  • There are no mistakes
  • There are no preplanned outcomes, yet
  • You always know what to do next
  • The result is unexpected and beautiful . . . . . .
  • and all this occurs with gratitude and appreciation

When you create using the Zentangle™ Method, you also discover new skills and abilities as you create your beautiful and unexpected results. 

Another reason is it enables you to deliberately access a state of relaxed focus, wake up your imagination and express it creatively with confidence. 

According to many anecdotes, the physical, mental and emotional benefits of this are significant.


I offer Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Classes